
PALM SUNDAY_04.05.2020

Hello Friends: Watch the story of Palm Sunday below.  Usually, we would be preparing Easter baskets for our annual donation to the local church in Woodbine.  Instead, we are home feeling uneasy about missing some of our favorite traditions.  Normally we'd being singing, "Jesus is alive, Jesus is alive, Hosanna Hosanna to the King."  We can still do that. Just push play below! God will see us through.  I would like to know you are doing well or perhaps you have a prayer request.  Please send me a message at the bottom of the page. Remember me in your prayers!  I think of you and pray for you often.  I love you and miss you.  Much Love,  Miss Age Pray with me: Dear Lord, I thank you for my friends and family.  I ask you to help us have faith in you and peace in our hearts.  Help us to remember to return to you when we get scared.  We ask for your divine protection on our homes and family.  In Jesus name we pray. Amen

Find your name and the secret message in the word search.

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Sunday School

Hello my friends:  I miss you. Life as we know it is upsidedown.   Our daily routines are different.   Who could have ever dreamed that you'd be attending school from home? One thing has not changed.   God.  He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.   He loves you just as much as the day he made you.   You know my favorite Sunday School song:  "The Wise Man and the Foolish Man" This is one of those times that we sing about.  The rain came down and the flood came up and the house on the sand went SPLAT.    This is one of those times that we are experiencing a storm. Now is a good time to practice trusting God while we continue to build our house upon the Lord, Jesus Christ. Let's think of our house as our minds and hearts.    How can we have peace when everything feels so out of control? Isaiah 26:3  3  He will keep in perfect peace all those who trust in him, whose thoughts turn often to the Lord! We remember our strong fo